Server IP : 2a02:4780:3:1378:0:3736:a38e:10 / Your IP : Web Server : LiteSpeed System : Linux 4.18.0-513.11.1.lve.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jan 18 16:21:02 UTC 2024 x86_64 User : u926327694 ( 926327694) PHP Version : 7.4.33 Disable Function : NONE MySQL : OFF | cURL : ON | WGET : ON | Perl : OFF | Python : OFF Directory (0755) : /home/u926327694/domains/ |
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/* -------------------- Check Browser --------------------- */ function browser() { var isOpera = !!(window.opera && window.opera.version); // Opera 8.0+ var isFirefox = testCSS('MozBoxSizing'); // FF 0.8+ var isSafari ='Constructor') > 0; // At least Safari 3+: "[object HTMLElementConstructor]" var isChrome = !isSafari && testCSS('WebkitTransform'); // Chrome 1+ //var isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false || testCSS('msTransform'); // At least IE6 function testCSS(prop) { return prop in; } if (isOpera) { return false; }else if (isSafari || isChrome) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* ---------- IE8 list style hack (:nth-child(odd)) ---------- */ jQuery(document).ready(function($){ if($('.messagesList').width()) { if(jQuery.browser.version.substring(0, 2) == "8.") { $('ul.messagesList li:nth-child(2n+1)').addClass('odd'); } } }); $(document).ready(function(){ $("#username").focus(function() { $(this).parent(".input-prepend").addClass("input-prepend-focus"); }); $("#username").focusout(function() { $(this).parent(".input-prepend").removeClass("input-prepend-focus"); 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messageLike(); }); /* ---------- Like/Dislike ---------- */ function messageLike(){ if($('.messagesList')) { $('.messagesList').on('click', '.star', function(){ $(this).removeClass('star'); $(this).addClass('dislikes'); //here add your function }); $('.messagesList').on('click', '.dislikes', function(){ $(this).removeClass('dislikes'); $(this).addClass('star'); //here add your function }); } } /* ---------- Check Retina ---------- */ function retina(){ retinaMode = (window.devicePixelRatio > 1); return retinaMode; } /* ---------- Chart ---------- */ function chart(){ if($('.verticalChart')) { $('.singleBar').each(function(){ var theColorIs = $(this).parent().parent().parent().css("background"); var percent = $(this).find('.value span').html(); $(this).find('.value span').css('color',theColorIs); $(this).find('.value').animate({height:percent}, 2000, function() { $(this).find('span').fadeIn(); }); }); } } /* ---------- Masonry Gallery ---------- */ function init_masonry(){ var $container = $('.masonry-gallery'); var gutter = 6; var min_width = 250; $container.imagesLoaded( function(){ $container.masonry({ itemSelector : '.masonry-thumb', gutterWidth: gutter, isAnimated: true, columnWidth: function( containerWidth ) { var num_of_boxes = (containerWidth/min_width | 0); var box_width = (((containerWidth - (num_of_boxes-1)*gutter)/num_of_boxes) | 0) ; if (containerWidth < min_width) { box_width = containerWidth; } $('.masonry-thumb').width(box_width); return box_width; } }); }); } /* ---------- Numbers Sepparator ---------- */ function numberWithCommas(x) { x = x.toString(); var pattern = /(-?\d+)(\d{3})/; while (pattern.test(x)) x = x.replace(pattern, "$1.$2"); return x; } /* ---------- Template Functions ---------- */ function template_functions(){ /* ---------- ToDo List Action Buttons ---------- */ $(".todo-remove").click(function(){ $(this).parent().parent().fadeTo("slow", 0.00, function(){ //fade $(this).slideUp("slow", function() { //slide up $(this).remove(); //then remove from the DOM }); }); return false; }); $(".todo-list").find('.action').each(function(){ $(this).click(function(){ if($(this).hasClass('icon-check-empty')) { $(this).removeClass('icon-check-empty'); $(this).addClass('icon-check'); $(this).parent().css('text-decoration','line-through'); } else { $(this).removeClass('icon-check'); $(this).addClass('icon-check-empty'); $(this).parent().css('text-decoration','none'); } return false; }); }); /* ---------- Skill Bars ---------- */ $(".meter > span").each(function() { var getColor = $(this).parent().css('borderTopColor'); $(this).css('background',getColor); $(this) .data("origWidth", $(this).width()) .width(0) .animate({ width: $(this).data("origWidth") }, 3000); }); /* ---------- Disable moving to top ---------- */ $('a[href="#"][data-top!=true]').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); /* ---------- Text editor ---------- */ $('.cleditor').cleditor(); /* ---------- Datapicker ---------- */ $('.datepicker').datepicker(); /* ---------- Notifications ---------- */ $('.noty').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var options = $.parseJSON($(this).attr('data-noty-options')); noty(options); }); /* ---------- Uniform ---------- */ $("input:checkbox, input:radio, input:file").not('[data-no-uniform="true"],#uniform-is-ajax').uniform(); /* ---------- Choosen ---------- */ $('[data-rel="chosen"],[rel="chosen"]').chosen(); /* ---------- Tabs ---------- */ $('#myTab a:first').tab('show'); $('#myTab a').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).tab('show'); }); /* ---------- Makes elements soratble, elements that sort need to have id attribute to save the result ---------- */ //Comment For mobile issue (select box not open in mobile) /*$('.sortable').sortable({ revert:true, cancel:'.btn,.box-content,.nav-header', update:function(event,ui){ //line below gives the ids of elements, you can make ajax call here to save it to the database //console.log($(this).sortable('toArray')); } });*/ /* ---------- Tooltip ---------- */ $('[rel="tooltip"],[data-rel="tooltip"]').tooltip({"placement":"bottom",delay: { show: 400, hide: 200 }}); /* ---------- Popover ---------- */ $('[rel="popover"],[data-rel="popover"]').popover(); /* ---------- File Manager ---------- */ var elf = $('.file-manager').elfinder({ url : 'misc/elfinder-connector/connector.php' // connector URL (REQUIRED) }).elfinder('instance'); /* ---------- Star Rating ---------- */ $('.raty').raty({ score : 4 //default stars }); /* ---------- Uploadify ---------- */ $('#file_upload').uploadify({ 'swf' : 'misc/uploadify.swf', 'uploader' : 'misc/uploadify.php' // Put your options here }); /* ---------- Fullscreen ---------- */ $('#toggle-fullscreen').button().click(function () { var button = $(this), root = document.documentElement; if (!button.hasClass('active')) { $('#thumbnails').addClass('modal-fullscreen'); if (root.webkitRequestFullScreen) { root.webkitRequestFullScreen( window.Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT ); } else if (root.mozRequestFullScreen) { root.mozRequestFullScreen(); } } else { $('#thumbnails').removeClass('modal-fullscreen'); (document.webkitCancelFullScreen || document.mozCancelFullScreen || $.noop).apply(document); } }); /* ---------- Datable ---------- */ $('.datatable').dataTable({ "sDom": "<'row-fluid'<'span6'l><'span6'f>r>t<'row-fluid'<'span12'i><'span12 center'p>>", "sPaginationType": "bootstrap", "oLanguage": { "sLengthMenu": "_MENU_ records per page" } } ); $('.btn-close').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().parent().parent().fadeOut(); }); $('.btn-minimize').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var $target = $(this).parent().parent().next('.box-content'); if($':visible')) $('i',$(this)).removeClass('chevron-up').addClass('chevron-down'); else $('i',$(this)).removeClass('chevron-down').addClass('chevron-up'); $target.slideToggle(); }); $('.btn-setting').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('#myModal').modal('show'); }); /* ---------- Progress ---------- */ $(".simpleProgress").progressbar({ value: 89 }); $(".progressAnimate").progressbar({ value: 1, create: function() { $(".progressAnimate .ui-progressbar-value").animate({"width":"100%"},{ duration: 10000, step: function(now){ $(".progressAnimateValue").html(parseInt(now)+"%"); }, easing: "linear" }) } }); $(".progressUploadAnimate").progressbar({ value: 1, create: function() { $(".progressUploadAnimate .ui-progressbar-value").animate({"width":"100%"},{ duration: 20000, easing: 'linear', step: function(now){ $(".progressUploadAnimateValue").html(parseInt(now*40.96)+" Gb"); }, complete: function(){ $(".progressUploadAnimate + .field_notice").html("<span class='must'>Upload Finished</span>"); } }) } }); if($(".taskProgress")) { $(".taskProgress").each(function(){ var endValue = parseInt($(this).html()); $(this).progressbar({ value: endValue }); $(this).parent().find(".percent").html(endValue + "%"); }); } if($(".progressBarValue")) { $(".progressBarValue").each(function(){ var endValueHTML = $(this).find(".progressCustomValueVal").html(); var endValue = parseInt(endValueHTML); $(this).find(".progressCustomValue").progressbar({ value: 1, create: function() { $(this).find(".ui-progressbar-value").animate({"width": endValue + "%"},{ duration: 5000, step: function(now){ $(this).parent().parent().parent().find(".progressCustomValueVal").html(parseInt(now)+"%"); }, easing: "linear" }) } }); }); } /* ---------- Custom Slider ---------- */ $(".sliderSimple").slider(); $(".sliderMin").slider({ range: "min", value: 180, min: 1, max: 700, slide: function( event, ui ) { $( ".sliderMinLabel" ).html( "$" + ui.value ); } }); $(".sliderMin-1").slider({ range: "min", value: 50, min: 1, max: 700, slide: function( event, ui ) { $( ".sliderMin1Label" ).html( "$" + ui.value ); } }); $(".sliderMin-2").slider({ range: "min", value: 100, min: 1, max: 700, slide: function( event, ui ) { $( ".sliderMin2Label" ).html( "$" + ui.value ); } }); $(".sliderMin-3").slider({ range: "min", value: 150, min: 1, max: 700, slide: function( event, ui ) { $( ".sliderMin3Label" ).html( "$" + ui.value ); } }); $(".sliderMin-4").slider({ range: "min", value: 250, min: 1, max: 700, slide: function( event, ui ) { $( ".sliderMin4Label" ).html( "$" + ui.value ); } }); $(".sliderMin-5").slider({ range: "min", value: 350, min: 1, max: 700, slide: function( event, ui ) { $( ".sliderLabel" ).html( "$" + ui.value ); 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$( "#sliderVertical-3" ).slider({ orientation: "vertical", range: "min", min: 0, max: 100, value: 30, }); $( "#sliderVertical-4" ).slider({ orientation: "vertical", range: "min", min: 0, max: 100, value: 15, }); $( "#sliderVertical-5" ).slider({ orientation: "vertical", range: "min", min: 0, max: 100, value: 40, }); $( "#sliderVertical-6" ).slider({ orientation: "vertical", range: "min", min: 0, max: 100, value: 80, }); $( "#sliderVertical-7" ).slider({ orientation: "vertical", range: "min", min: 0, max: 100, value: 60, }); $( "#sliderVertical-8" ).slider({ orientation: "vertical", range: "min", min: 0, max: 100, value: 40, }); $( "#sliderVertical-9" ).slider({ orientation: "vertical", range: "min", min: 0, max: 100, value: 30, }); $( "#sliderVertical-10" ).slider({ orientation: "vertical", range: "min", min: 0, max: 100, value: 15, }); $( "#sliderVertical-11" ).slider({ orientation: "vertical", range: "min", min: 0, max: 100, value: 40, }); $( "#sliderVertical-12" ).slider({ orientation: "vertical", range: "min", min: 0, max: 100, value: 80, }); } /* ---------- Circle Progess Bars ---------- */ function circle_progess() { var divElement = $('div'); //log all div elements if (retina()) { $(".whiteCircle").knob({ 'min':0, 'max':100, 'readOnly': true, 'width': 240, 'height': 240, 'bgColor': 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)', 'fgColor': 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)', 'dynamicDraw': true, 'thickness': 0.2, 'tickColorizeValues': true }); $(".circleStat").css('zoom',0.5); $(".whiteCircle").css('zoom',0.999); } else { $(".whiteCircle").knob({ 'min':0, 'max':100, 'readOnly': true, 'width': 120, 'height': 120, 'bgColor': 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)', 'fgColor': 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)', 'dynamicDraw': true, 'thickness': 0.2, 'tickColorizeValues': true }); } $(".circleStatsItemBox").each(function(){ var value = $(this).find(".value > .number").html(); var unit = $(this).find(".value > .unit").html(); var percent = $(this).find("input").val()/100; countSpeed = 2300*percent; endValue = value*percent; $(this).find(".count > .unit").html(unit); $(this).find(".count > .number").countTo({ from: 0, to: endValue, speed: countSpeed, refreshInterval: 50 }); //$(this).find(".count").html(value*percent + unit); }); } /* ---------- Calendars ---------- */ function calendars(){ $('#external-events div.external-event').each(function() { // it doesn't need to have a start or end var eventObject = { title: $.trim($(this).text()) // use the element's text as the event title }; // store the Event Object in the DOM element so we can get to it later $(this).data('eventObject', eventObject); // make the event draggable using jQuery UI $(this).draggable({ zIndex: 999, revert: true, // will cause the event to go back to its revertDuration: 0 // original position after the drag }); }); var date = new Date(); var d = date.getDate(); var m = date.getMonth(); var y = date.getFullYear(); $('#main_calendar').fullCalendar({ header: { left: 'title', right: 'prev,next today,month,agendaWeek,agendaDay' }, editable: true, events: [ { title: 'All Day Event', start: new Date(y, m, 1) }, { title: 'Long Event', start: new Date(y, m, d-5), end: new Date(y, m, d-2) }, { id: 999, title: 'Repeating Event', start: new Date(y, m, d-3, 16, 0), allDay: false }, { id: 999, title: 'Repeating Event', start: new Date(y, m, d+4, 16, 0), allDay: false }, { title: 'Meeting', start: new Date(y, m, d, 10, 30), allDay: false }, { title: 'Lunch', start: new Date(y, m, d, 12, 0), end: new Date(y, m, d, 14, 0), allDay: false }, { title: 'Birthday Party', start: new Date(y, m, d+1, 19, 0), end: new Date(y, m, d+1, 22, 30), allDay: false }, { title: 'Click for Google', start: new Date(y, m, 28), end: new Date(y, m, 29), url: '' } ] }); $('#main_calendar_phone').fullCalendar({ header: { left: 'title', right: 'prev,next' }, defaultView: 'agendaDay', editable: true, events: [ { title: 'All Day Event', start: new Date(y, m, 1) }, { title: 'Long Event', start: new Date(y, m, d-5), end: new Date(y, m, d-2) }, { id: 999, title: 'Repeating Event', start: new Date(y, m, d-3, 16, 0), allDay: false }, { id: 999, title: 'Repeating Event', start: new Date(y, m, d+4, 16, 0), allDay: false }, { title: 'Meeting', start: new Date(y, m, d, 10, 30), allDay: false }, { title: 'Lunch', start: new Date(y, m, d, 12, 0), end: new Date(y, m, d, 14, 0), allDay: false }, { title: 'Birthday Party', start: new Date(y, m, d+1, 19, 0), end: new Date(y, m, d+1, 22, 30), allDay: false }, { title: 'Click for Google', start: new Date(y, m, 28), end: new Date(y, m, 29), url: '' } ] }); $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ header: { left: 'title', right: 'prev,next today,month,agendaWeek,agendaDay' }, editable: true, droppable: true, // this allows things to be dropped onto the calendar !!! drop: function(date, allDay) { // this function is called when something is dropped // retrieve the dropped element's stored Event Object var originalEventObject = $(this).data('eventObject'); // we need to copy it, so that multiple events don't have a reference to the same object var copiedEventObject = $.extend({}, originalEventObject); // assign it the date that was reported copiedEventObject.start = date; copiedEventObject.allDay = allDay; // render the event on the calendar // the last `true` argument determines if the event "sticks" ( $('#calendar').fullCalendar('renderEvent', copiedEventObject, true); // is the "remove after drop" checkbox checked? if ($('#drop-remove').is(':checked')) { // if so, remove the element from the "Draggable Events" list $(this).remove(); } } }); } /* ---------- Sparkline Charts ---------- */ function sparkline_charts() { //generate random number for charts randNum = function(){ //return Math.floor(Math.random()*101); return (Math.floor( Math.random()* (1+40-20) ) ) + 20; } var chartColours = ['#ffffff', '#ffffff', '#ffffff', '#ffffff', '#ffffff', '#ffffff', '#ffffff']; //sparklines (making loop with random data for all 7 sparkline) i=1; for (i=1; i<9; i++) { var data = [[1, 3+randNum()], [2, 5+randNum()], [3, 8+randNum()], [4, 11+randNum()],[5, 14+randNum()],[6, 17+randNum()],[7, 20+randNum()], [8, 15+randNum()], [9, 18+randNum()], [10, 22+randNum()]]; placeholder = '.sparkLineStats' + i; if (retina()) { $(placeholder).sparkline(data, { width: 160,//Width of the chart - Defaults to 'auto' - May be any valid css width - 1.5em, 20px, etc (using a number without a unit specifier won't do what you want) - This option does nothing for bar and tristate chars (see barWidth) height: 80,//Height of the chart - Defaults to 'auto' (line height of the containing tag) lineColor: '#ffffff',//Used by line and discrete charts to specify the colour of the line drawn as a CSS values string fillColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.2)',//Specify the colour used to fill the area under the graph as a CSS value. Set to false to disable fill spotColor: '#ffffff',//The CSS colour of the final value marker. Set to false or an empty string to hide it maxSpotColor: '#ffffff',//The CSS colour of the marker displayed for the maximum value. Set to false or an empty string to hide it minSpotColor: '#ffffff',//The CSS colour of the marker displayed for the mimum value. Set to false or an empty string to hide it spotRadius: 2,//Radius of all spot markers, In pixels (default: 1.5) - Integer lineWidth: 1//In pixels (default: 1) - Integer }); $(placeholder).css('zoom',0.5); } else { if($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) === 8) { $(placeholder).sparkline(data, { width: 80,//Width of the chart - Defaults to 'auto' - May be any valid css width - 1.5em, 20px, etc (using a number without a unit specifier won't do what you want) - This option does nothing for bar and tristate chars (see barWidth) height: 40,//Height of the chart - Defaults to 'auto' (line height of the containing tag) lineColor: '#ffffff',//Used by line and discrete charts to specify the colour of the line drawn as a CSS values string fillColor: '#ffffff',//Specify the colour used to fill the area under the graph as a CSS value. Set to false to disable fill spotColor: '#ffffff',//The CSS colour of the final value marker. Set to false or an empty string to hide it maxSpotColor: '#ffffff',//The CSS colour of the marker displayed for the maximum value. Set to false or an empty string to hide it minSpotColor: '#ffffff',//The CSS colour of the marker displayed for the mimum value. Set to false or an empty string to hide it spotRadius: 2,//Radius of all spot markers, In pixels (default: 1.5) - Integer lineWidth: 1//In pixels (default: 1) - Integer }); } else { $(placeholder).sparkline(data, { width: 80,//Width of the chart - Defaults to 'auto' - May be any valid css width - 1.5em, 20px, etc (using a number without a unit specifier won't do what you want) - This option does nothing for bar and tristate chars (see barWidth) height: 40,//Height of the chart - Defaults to 'auto' (line height of the containing tag) lineColor: '#ffffff',//Used by line and discrete charts to specify the colour of the line drawn as a CSS values string fillColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.2)',//Specify the colour used to fill the area under the graph as a CSS value. Set to false to disable fill spotColor: '#ffffff',//The CSS colour of the final value marker. Set to false or an empty string to hide it maxSpotColor: '#ffffff',//The CSS colour of the marker displayed for the maximum value. Set to false or an empty string to hide it minSpotColor: '#ffffff',//The CSS colour of the marker displayed for the mimum value. Set to false or an empty string to hide it spotRadius: 2,//Radius of all spot markers, In pixels (default: 1.5) - Integer lineWidth: 1//In pixels (default: 1) - Integer }); } } } if($(".boxchart")) { if (retina()) { $(".boxchart").sparkline('html', { type: 'bar', height: '120', // Double pixel number for retina display barWidth: '8', // Double pixel number for retina display barSpacing: '2', // Double pixel number for retina display barColor: '#ffffff', negBarColor: '#eeeeee'} ); $(".boxchart").css('zoom',0.5); } else { $(".boxchart").sparkline('html', { type: 'bar', height: '60', barWidth: '4', barSpacing: '1', barColor: '#ffffff', negBarColor: '#eeeeee'} ); } } } /* ---------- Charts ---------- */ function charts() { function randNum(){ return ((Math.floor( Math.random()* (1+40-20) ) ) + 20)* 1200; } function randNum2(){ return ((Math.floor( Math.random()* (1+40-20) ) ) + 20) * 500; } function randNum3(){ return ((Math.floor( Math.random()* (1+40-20) ) ) + 20) * 300; } function randNum4(){ return ((Math.floor( Math.random()* (1+40-20) ) ) + 20) * 100; } /* ---------- Chart with points ---------- */ if($("#stats-chart2").length) { var pageviews = [[1, 5+randNum()], [1.5, 10+randNum()], [2, 15+randNum()], [2.5, 20+randNum()],[3, 25+randNum()],[3.5, 30+randNum()],[4, 35+randNum()],[4.5, 40+randNum()],[5, 45+randNum()],[5.5, 50+randNum()],[6, 55+randNum()],[6.5, 60+randNum()],[7, 65+randNum()],[7.5, 70+randNum()],[8, 75+randNum()],[8.5, 80+randNum()],[9, 85+randNum()],[9.5, 90+randNum()],[10, 85+randNum()],[10.5, 80+randNum()],[11, 75+randNum()],[11.5, 80+randNum()],[12, 75+randNum()],[12.5, 70+randNum()],[13, 65+randNum()],[13.5, 75+randNum()],[14,80+randNum()],[14.5, 85+randNum()],[15, 90+randNum()], [15.5, 95+randNum()], [16, 5+randNum()], [16.5, 15+randNum()], [17, 15+randNum()], [17.5, 10+randNum()], [18, 15+randNum()], [18.5, 20+randNum()],[19, 25+randNum()],[19.5, 30+randNum()],[20, 35+randNum()],[20.5, 40+randNum()],[21, 45+randNum()],[21.5, 50+randNum()],[22, 55+randNum()],[22.5, 60+randNum()],[23, 65+randNum()],[23.5, 70+randNum()],[24, 75+randNum()],[24.5, 80+randNum()],[25, 85+randNum()],[25.5, 90+randNum()],[26, 85+randNum()],[26.5, 80+randNum()],[27, 75+randNum()],[27.5, 80+randNum()],[28, 75+randNum()],[28.5, 70+randNum()],[29, 65+randNum()],[29.5, 75+randNum()],[30,80+randNum()]]; var visits = [[1, randNum2()-10], [2, randNum2()-10], [3, randNum2()-10], [4, randNum2()],[5, randNum2()],[6, 4+randNum2()],[7, 5+randNum2()],[8, 6+randNum2()],[9, 6+randNum2()],[10, 8+randNum2()],[11, 9+randNum2()],[12, 10+randNum2()],[13,11+randNum2()],[14, 12+randNum2()],[15, 13+randNum2()],[16, 14+randNum2()],[17, 15+randNum2()],[18, 15+randNum2()],[19, 16+randNum2()],[20, 17+randNum2()],[21, 18+randNum2()],[22, 19+randNum2()],[23, 20+randNum2()],[24, 21+randNum2()],[25, 14+randNum2()],[26, 24+randNum2()],[27,25+randNum2()],[28, 26+randNum2()],[29, 27+randNum2()], [30, 31+randNum2()]]; var visitors = [[1, 5+randNum3()], [2, 10+randNum3()], [3, 15+randNum3()], [4, 20+randNum3()],[5, 25+randNum3()],[6, 30+randNum3()],[7, 35+randNum3()],[8, 40+randNum3()],[9, 45+randNum3()],[10, 50+randNum3()],[11, 55+randNum3()],[12, 60+randNum3()],[13, 65+randNum3()],[14, 70+randNum3()],[15, 75+randNum3()],[16, 80+randNum3()],[17, 85+randNum3()],[18, 90+randNum3()],[19, 85+randNum3()],[20, 80+randNum3()],[21, 75+randNum3()],[22, 80+randNum3()],[23, 75+randNum3()],[24, 70+randNum3()],[25, 65+randNum3()],[26, 75+randNum3()],[27,80+randNum3()],[28, 85+randNum3()],[29, 90+randNum3()], [30, 95+randNum3()]]; var newVisitors = [[1, randNum4()-10], [2, randNum4()-10], [3, randNum4()-10], [4, randNum4()],[5, randNum4()],[6, 4+randNum4()],[7, 5+randNum4()],[8, 6+randNum4()],[9, 6+randNum4()],[10, 8+randNum4()],[11, 9+randNum4()],[12, 10+randNum4()],[13,11+randNum4()],[14, 12+randNum4()],[15, 13+randNum4()],[16, 14+randNum4()],[17, 15+randNum4()],[18, 15+randNum4()],[19, 16+randNum4()],[20, 17+randNum4()],[21, 18+randNum4()],[22, 19+randNum4()],[23, 20+randNum4()],[24, 21+randNum4()],[25, 14+randNum4()],[26, 24+randNum4()],[27,25+randNum4()],[28, 26+randNum4()],[29, 27+randNum4()], [30, 31+randNum4()]]; var plot = $.plot($("#stats-chart2"), [ { data: visitors, label: "Visits", lines: { show: true, fill: false, lineWidth: 2 }, shadowSize: 0 }, { data: pageviews, bars: { show: true, fill: false, barWidth: 0.1, align: "center", lineWidth: 5, } } ], { grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true, tickColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.05)", borderWidth: 0 }, legend: { show: false }, colors: ["rgba(255,255,255,0.8)", "rgba(255,255,255,0.6)", "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)", "rgba(255,255,255,0.2)"], xaxis: {ticks:15, tickDecimals: 0, color: "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)" }, yaxis: {ticks:5, tickDecimals: 0, color: "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)" }, }); /* [ { data: visitors, label: "Visits"}], { series: { lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 2 }, points: { show: true, lineWidth: 2 }, shadowSize: 0 }, grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true, tickColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.025)", borderWidth: 0 }, legend: { show: false }, colors: ["rgba(255,255,255,0.8)", "rgba(255,255,255,0.6)", "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)", "rgba(255,255,255,0.2)"], xaxis: {ticks:15, tickDecimals: 0}, yaxis: {ticks:5, tickDecimals: 0}, }); */ function showTooltip(x, y, contents) { $('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css( { position: 'absolute', display: 'none', top: y + 5, left: x + 5, border: '1px solid #fdd', padding: '2px', 'background-color': '#dfeffc', opacity: 0.80 }).appendTo("body").fadeIn(200); } var previousPoint = null; $("#stats-chart2").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) { $("#x").text(pos.x.toFixed(2)); $("#y").text(pos.y.toFixed(2)); if (item) { if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) { previousPoint = item.dataIndex; $("#tooltip").remove(); var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2), y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2); showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY, item.series.label + " of " + x + " = " + y); } } else { $("#tooltip").remove(); previousPoint = null; } }); } function randNumFB(){ return ((Math.floor( Math.random()* (1+40-20) ) ) + 20); } /* ---------- Chart with points ---------- */ if($("#facebookChart").length) { var likes = [[1, 5+randNumFB()], [2, 10+randNumFB()], [3, 15+randNumFB()], [4, 20+randNumFB()],[5, 25+randNumFB()],[6, 30+randNumFB()],[7, 35+randNumFB()],[8, 40+randNumFB()],[9, 45+randNumFB()],[10, 50+randNumFB()],[11, 55+randNumFB()],[12, 60+randNumFB()],[13, 65+randNumFB()],[14, 70+randNumFB()],[15, 75+randNumFB()],[16, 80+randNumFB()],[17, 85+randNumFB()],[18, 90+randNumFB()],[19, 85+randNumFB()],[20, 80+randNumFB()],[21, 75+randNumFB()],[22, 80+randNumFB()],[23, 75+randNumFB()],[24, 70+randNumFB()],[25, 65+randNumFB()],[26, 75+randNumFB()],[27,80+randNumFB()],[28, 85+randNumFB()],[29, 90+randNumFB()], [30, 95+randNumFB()]]; var plot = $.plot($("#facebookChart"), [ { data: likes, label: "Fans"} ], { series: { lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 2, fill: true, fillColor: { colors: [ { opacity: 0.5 }, { opacity: 0.2 } ] } }, points: { show: true, lineWidth: 2 }, shadowSize: 0 }, grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true, tickColor: "#f9f9f9", borderWidth: 0 }, colors: ["#3B5998"], xaxis: {ticks:6, tickDecimals: 0}, yaxis: {ticks:3, tickDecimals: 0}, }); function showTooltip(x, y, contents) { $('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css( { position: 'absolute', display: 'none', top: y + 5, left: x + 5, border: '1px solid #fdd', padding: '2px', 'background-color': '#dfeffc', opacity: 0.80 }).appendTo("body").fadeIn(200); } var previousPoint = null; $("#facebookChart").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) { $("#x").text(pos.x.toFixed(2)); $("#y").text(pos.y.toFixed(2)); if (item) { if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) { previousPoint = item.dataIndex; $("#tooltip").remove(); var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2), y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2); showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY, item.series.label + " of " + x + " = " + y); } } else { $("#tooltip").remove(); previousPoint = null; } }); } function randNumTW(){ return ((Math.floor( Math.random()* (1+40-20) ) ) + 20); } /* ---------- Chart with points ---------- */ if($("#twitterChart").length) { var followers = [[1, 5+randNumTW()], [2, 10+randNumTW()], [3, 15+randNumTW()], [4, 20+randNumTW()],[5, 25+randNumTW()],[6, 30+randNumTW()],[7, 35+randNumTW()],[8, 40+randNumTW()],[9, 45+randNumTW()],[10, 50+randNumTW()],[11, 55+randNumTW()],[12, 60+randNumTW()],[13, 65+randNumTW()],[14, 70+randNumTW()],[15, 75+randNumTW()],[16, 80+randNumTW()],[17, 85+randNumTW()],[18, 90+randNumTW()],[19, 85+randNumTW()],[20, 80+randNumTW()],[21, 75+randNumTW()],[22, 80+randNumTW()],[23, 75+randNumTW()],[24, 70+randNumTW()],[25, 65+randNumTW()],[26, 75+randNumTW()],[27,80+randNumTW()],[28, 85+randNumTW()],[29, 90+randNumTW()], [30, 95+randNumTW()]]; var plot = $.plot($("#twitterChart"), [ { data: followers, label: "Followers"} ], { series: { lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 2, fill: true, fillColor: { colors: [ { opacity: 0.5 }, { opacity: 0.2 } ] } }, points: { show: true, lineWidth: 2 }, shadowSize: 0 }, grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true, tickColor: "#f9f9f9", borderWidth: 0 }, colors: ["#1BB2E9"], xaxis: {ticks:6, tickDecimals: 0}, yaxis: {ticks:3, tickDecimals: 0}, }); function showTooltip(x, y, contents) { $('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css( { position: 'absolute', display: 'none', top: y + 5, left: x + 5, border: '1px solid #fdd', padding: '2px', 'background-color': '#dfeffc', opacity: 0.80 }).appendTo("body").fadeIn(200); } var previousPoint = null; $("#twitterChart").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) { $("#x").text(pos.x.toFixed(2)); $("#y").text(pos.y.toFixed(2)); if (item) { if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) { previousPoint = item.dataIndex; $("#tooltip").remove(); var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2), y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2); showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY, item.series.label + " of " + x + " = " + y); } } else { $("#tooltip").remove(); previousPoint = null; } }); } if($("#activeUsers").length) { var d1 = []; for (var i = 0; i <= 160; i += 1) { d1.push([i, parseInt(Math.random() * 123123)]); } var stack = 0, bars = true, lines = false, steps = false; function plotWithOptions2() { $.plot($("#activeUsers"), [ d1 ], { series: { bars: { show: bars, fill: true, barWidth: 0.1, align: "center", lineWidth: 5, fillColor: { colors: [ { opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 0.5 } ] } }, }, grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true, tickColor: "#f6f6f6", borderWidth: 0, }, colors: ["#CBE968"], xaxis: {ticks:0, tickDecimals: 0, tickFormatter: function(v, a) {return v }}, yaxis: {ticks:5, tickDecimals: 0, tickFormatter: function (v) { return v }}, }); } plotWithOptions2(); } /* ---------- Chart with points ---------- */ if($("#stats-chart").length) { var visitors = [[1, randNum()-10], [2, randNum()-10], [3, randNum()-10], [4, randNum()],[5, randNum()],[6, 4+randNum()],[7, 5+randNum()],[8, 6+randNum()],[9, 6+randNum()],[10, 8+randNum()],[11, 9+randNum()],[12, 10+randNum()],[13,11+randNum()],[14, 12+randNum()],[15, 13+randNum()],[16, 14+randNum()],[17, 15+randNum()],[18, 15+randNum()],[19, 16+randNum()],[20, 17+randNum()],[21, 18+randNum()],[22, 19+randNum()],[23, 20+randNum()],[24, 21+randNum()],[25, 14+randNum()],[26, 24+randNum()],[27,25+randNum()],[28, 26+randNum()],[29, 27+randNum()], [30, 31+randNum()]]; var plot = $.plot($("#stats-chart"), [ { data: visitors, label: "visitors" } ], { series: { lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 3, fill: true, fillColor: { colors: [ { opacity: 0.5 }, { opacity: 0.2 } ] } }, points: { show: true }, shadowSize: 2 }, grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true, tickColor: "#eee", borderWidth: 0, }, colors: ["#b1d3d4"], xaxis: {ticks:11, tickDecimals: 0}, yaxis: {ticks:11, tickDecimals: 0}, }); function showTooltip(x, y, contents) { $('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css( { position: 'absolute', display: 'none', top: y + 5, left: x + 5, border: '1px solid #fdd', padding: '2px', 'background-color': '#dfeffc', opacity: 0.80 }).appendTo("body").fadeIn(200); } var previousPoint = null; $("#stats-chart").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) { $("#x").text(pos.x.toFixed(2)); $("#y").text(pos.y.toFixed(2)); if (item) { if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) { previousPoint = item.dataIndex; $("#tooltip").remove(); var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2), y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2); showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY, item.series.label + " of " + x + " = " + y); } } else { $("#tooltip").remove(); previousPoint = null; } }); $("#sincos").bind("plotclick", function (event, pos, item) { if (item) { $("#clickdata").text("You clicked point " + item.dataIndex + " in " + item.series.label + "."); plot.highlight(item.series, item.datapoint); } }); } /* ---------- Chart with points ---------- */ if($("#sincos").length) { var sin = [], cos = []; for (var i = 0; i < 14; i += 0.5) { sin.push([i, Math.sin(i)/i]); cos.push([i, Math.cos(i)]); } var plot = $.plot($("#sincos"), [ { data: sin, label: "sin(x)/x"}, { data: cos, label: "cos(x)" } ], { series: { lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 2, }, points: { show: true }, shadowSize: 2 }, grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true, tickColor: "#dddddd", borderWidth: 0 }, yaxis: { min: -1.2, max: 1.2 }, colors: ["#FA5833", "#2FABE9"] }); function showTooltip(x, y, contents) { $('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css( { position: 'absolute', display: 'none', top: y + 5, left: x + 5, border: '1px solid #fdd', padding: '2px', 'background-color': '#dfeffc', opacity: 0.80 }).appendTo("body").fadeIn(200); } var previousPoint = null; $("#sincos").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) { $("#x").text(pos.x.toFixed(2)); $("#y").text(pos.y.toFixed(2)); if (item) { if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) { previousPoint = item.dataIndex; $("#tooltip").remove(); var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2), y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2); showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY, item.series.label + " of " + x + " = " + y); } } else { $("#tooltip").remove(); previousPoint = null; } }); $("#sincos").bind("plotclick", function (event, pos, item) { if (item) { $("#clickdata").text("You clicked point " + item.dataIndex + " in " + item.series.label + "."); plot.highlight(item.series, item.datapoint); } }); } /* ---------- Flot chart ---------- */ if($("#flotchart").length) { var d1 = []; for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.25) d1.push([i, Math.sin(i)]); var d2 = []; for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.25) d2.push([i, Math.cos(i)]); var d3 = []; for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.1) d3.push([i, Math.tan(i)]); $.plot($("#flotchart"), [ { label: "sin(x)", data: d1}, { label: "cos(x)", data: d2}, { label: "tan(x)", data: d3} ], { series: { lines: { show: true }, points: { show: true } }, xaxis: { ticks: [0, [Math.PI/2, "\u03c0/2"], [Math.PI, "\u03c0"], [Math.PI * 3/2, "3\u03c0/2"], [Math.PI * 2, "2\u03c0"]] }, yaxis: { ticks: 10, min: -2, max: 2 }, grid: { tickColor: "#dddddd", borderWidth: 0 }, colors: ["#FA5833", "#2FABE9", "#FABB3D"] }); } /* ---------- Stack chart ---------- */ if($("#stackchart").length) { var d1 = []; for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i += 1) d1.push([i, parseInt(Math.random() * 30)]); var d2 = []; for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i += 1) d2.push([i, parseInt(Math.random() * 30)]); var d3 = []; for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i += 1) d3.push([i, parseInt(Math.random() * 30)]); var stack = 0, bars = true, lines = false, steps = false; function plotWithOptions() { $.plot($("#stackchart"), [ d1, d2, d3 ], { series: { stack: stack, lines: { show: lines, fill: true, steps: steps }, bars: { show: bars, barWidth: 0.6 }, }, colors: ["#FA5833", "#2FABE9", "#FABB3D"] }); } plotWithOptions(); $(".stackControls input").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); stack = $(this).val() == "With stacking" ? true : null; plotWithOptions(); }); $(".graphControls input").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); bars = $(this).val().indexOf("Bars") != -1; lines = $(this).val().indexOf("Lines") != -1; steps = $(this).val().indexOf("steps") != -1; plotWithOptions(); }); } /* ---------- Device chart ---------- */ var data = [ { label: "Desktop", data: 73}, { label: "Mobile", data: 27} ]; /* ---------- Donut chart ---------- */ if($("#deviceChart").length) { $.plot($("#deviceChart"), data, { series: { pie: { innerRadius: 0.6, show: true } }, legend: { show: true }, colors: ["#FA5833", "#2FABE9", "#FABB3D", "#78CD51"] }); } var data = [ { label: "iOS", data: 20}, { label: "Android", data: 7}, { label: "Linux", data: 11}, { label: "Mac OSX", data: 14}, { label: "Windows", data: 48} ]; /* ---------- Donut chart ---------- */ if($("#osChart").length) { $.plot($("#osChart"), data, { series: { pie: { innerRadius: 0.6, show: true } }, legend: { show: true }, colors: ["#FA5833", "#2FABE9", "#FABB3D", "#78CD51"] }); } /* ---------- Pie chart ---------- */ var data = [ { label: "Internet Explorer", data: 12}, { label: "Mobile", data: 27}, { label: "Safari", data: 85}, { label: "Opera", data: 64}, { label: "Firefox", data: 90}, { label: "Chrome", data: 112} ]; if($("#piechart").length) { $.plot($("#piechart"), data, { series: { pie: { show: true } }, grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true }, legend: { show: false }, colors: ["#FA5833", "#2FABE9", "#FABB3D", "#78CD51"] }); function pieHover(event, pos, obj) { if (!obj) return; percent = parseFloat(obj.series.percent).toFixed(2); $("#hover").html('<span style="font-weight: bold; color: '+obj.series.color+'">'+obj.series.label+' ('+percent+'%)</span>'); } $("#piechart").bind("plothover", pieHover); } /* ---------- Donut chart ---------- */ if($("#donutchart").length) { $.plot($("#donutchart"), data, { series: { pie: { innerRadius: 0.5, show: true } }, legend: { show: false }, colors: ["#FA5833", "#2FABE9", "#FABB3D", "#78CD51"] }); } // we use an inline data source in the example, usually data would // be fetched from a server var data = [], totalPoints = 300; function getRandomData() { if (data.length > 0) data = data.slice(1); // do a random walk while (data.length < totalPoints) { var prev = data.length > 0 ? data[data.length - 1] : 50; var y = prev + Math.random() * 10 - 5; if (y < 0) y = 0; if (y > 100) y = 100; data.push(y); } // zip the generated y values with the x values var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) res.push([i, data[i]]) return res; } // setup control widget var updateInterval = 30; $("#updateInterval").val(updateInterval).change(function () { var v = $(this).val(); if (v && !isNaN(+v)) { updateInterval = +v; if (updateInterval < 1) updateInterval = 1; if (updateInterval > 2000) updateInterval = 2000; $(this).val("" + updateInterval); } }); /* ---------- Realtime chart ---------- */ if($("#serverLoad").length) { var options = { series: { shadowSize: 1 }, lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 3, fill: true, fillColor: { colors: [ { opacity: 0.9 }, { opacity: 0.9 } ] }}, yaxis: { min: 0, max: 100, tickFormatter: function (v) { return v + "%"; }}, xaxis: { show: false }, colors: ["#FA5833"], grid: { tickColor: "#f9f9f9", borderWidth: 0, }, }; var plot = $.plot($("#serverLoad"), [ getRandomData() ], options); function update() { plot.setData([ getRandomData() ]); // since the axes don't change, we don't need to call plot.setupGrid() plot.draw(); setTimeout(update, updateInterval); } update(); } if($("#serverLoad2").length) { var options = { series: { shadowSize: 1 }, lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 2, fill: true, fillColor: { colors: [ { opacity: 0.9 }, { opacity: 0.9 } ] }}, yaxis: { min: 0, max: 100, tickFormatter: function (v) { return v + "%"; }, color: "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)"}, xaxis: { show: false, color: "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)" }, colors: ["rgba(255,255,255,0.95)"], grid: { tickColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.15)", borderWidth: 0, }, }; var plot = $.plot($("#serverLoad2"), [ getRandomData() ], options); function update() { plot.setData([ getRandomData() ]); // since the axes don't change, we don't need to call plot.setupGrid() plot.draw(); setTimeout(update, updateInterval); } update(); } if($("#realtimechart").length) { var options = { series: { shadowSize: 1 }, lines: { fill: true, fillColor: { colors: [ { opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 0.1 } ] }}, yaxis: { min: 0, max: 100 }, xaxis: { show: false }, colors: ["#F4A506"], grid: { tickColor: "#dddddd", borderWidth: 0 }, }; var plot = $.plot($("#realtimechart"), [ getRandomData() ], options); function update() { plot.setData([ getRandomData() ]); // since the axes don't change, we don't need to call plot.setupGrid() plot.draw(); setTimeout(update, updateInterval); } update(); } } function growlLikeNotifications() { $('#add-sticky').click(function(){ var unique_id = $.gritter.add({ // (string | mandatory) the heading of the notification title: 'This is a sticky notice!', // (string | mandatory) the text inside the notification text: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eget tincidunt velit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et <a href="#" style="color:#ccc">magnis dis parturient</a> montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.', // (string | optional) the image to display on the left image: 'img/avatar.jpg', // (bool | optional) if you want it to fade out on its own or just sit there sticky: true, // (int | optional) the time you want it to be alive for before fading out time: '', // (string | optional) the class name you want to apply to that specific message class_name: 'my-sticky-class' }); // You can have it return a unique id, this can be used to manually remove it later using /* ---------- setTimeout(function(){ $.gritter.remove(unique_id, { fade: true, speed: 'slow' }); }, 6000) */ return false; }); $('#add-regular').click(function(){ $.gritter.add({ // (string | mandatory) the heading of the notification title: 'This is a regular notice!', // (string | mandatory) the text inside the notification text: 'This will fade out after a certain amount of time. Vivamus eget tincidunt velit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et <a href="#" style="color:#ccc">magnis dis parturient</a> montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.', // (string | optional) the image to display on the left image: 'img/avatar.jpg', // (bool | optional) if you want it to fade out on its own or just sit there sticky: false, // (int | optional) the time you want it to be alive for before fading out time: '' }); return false; }); $('#add-max').click(function(){ $.gritter.add({ // (string | mandatory) the heading of the notification title: 'This is a notice with a max of 3 on screen at one time!', // (string | mandatory) the text inside the notification text: 'This will fade out after a certain amount of time. Vivamus eget tincidunt velit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et <a href="#" style="color:#ccc">magnis dis parturient</a> montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.', // (string | optional) the image to display on the left image: 'img/avatar.jpg', // (bool | optional) if you want it to fade out on its own or just sit there sticky: false, // (function) before the gritter notice is opened before_open: function(){ if($('.gritter-item-wrapper').length == 3) { // Returning false prevents a new gritter from opening return false; } } }); return false; }); $('#add-without-image').click(function(){ $.gritter.add({ // (string | mandatory) the heading of the notification title: 'This is a notice without an image!', // (string | mandatory) the text inside the notification text: 'This will fade out after a certain amount of time. Vivamus eget tincidunt velit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et <a href="#" style="color:#ccc">magnis dis parturient</a> montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.' }); return false; }); $('#add-gritter-light').click(function(){ $.gritter.add({ // (string | mandatory) the heading of the notification title: 'This is a light notification', // (string | mandatory) the text inside the notification text: 'Just add a "gritter-light" class_name to your $.gritter.add or globally to $.gritter.options.class_name', class_name: 'gritter-light' }); return false; }); $('#add-with-callbacks').click(function(){ $.gritter.add({ // (string | mandatory) the heading of the notification title: 'This is a notice with callbacks!', // (string | mandatory) the text inside the notification text: 'The callback is...', // (function | optional) function called before it opens before_open: function(){ alert('I am called before it opens'); }, // (function | optional) function called after it opens after_open: function(e){ alert("I am called after it opens: \nI am passed the jQuery object for the created Gritter element...\n" + e); }, // (function | optional) function called before it closes before_close: function(e, manual_close){ var manually = (manual_close) ? 'The "X" was clicked to close me!' : ''; alert("I am called before it closes: I am passed the jQuery object for the Gritter element... \n" + manually); }, // (function | optional) function called after it closes after_close: function(e, manual_close){ var manually = (manual_close) ? 'The "X" was clicked to close me!' : ''; alert('I am called after it closes. ' + manually); } }); return false; }); $('#add-sticky-with-callbacks').click(function(){ $.gritter.add({ // (string | mandatory) the heading of the notification title: 'This is a sticky notice with callbacks!', // (string | mandatory) the text inside the notification text: 'Sticky sticky notice.. sticky sticky notice...', // Stickeh! sticky: true, // (function | optional) function called before it opens before_open: function(){ alert('I am a sticky called before it opens'); }, // (function | optional) function called after it opens after_open: function(e){ alert("I am a sticky called after it opens: \nI am passed the jQuery object for the created Gritter element...\n" + e); }, // (function | optional) function called before it closes before_close: function(e){ alert("I am a sticky called before it closes: I am passed the jQuery object for the Gritter element... \n" + e); }, // (function | optional) function called after it closes after_close: function(){ alert('I am a sticky called after it closes'); } }); return false; }); $("#remove-all").click(function(){ $.gritter.removeAll(); return false; }); $("#remove-all-with-callbacks").click(function(){ $.gritter.removeAll({ before_close: function(e){ alert("I am called before all notifications are closed. I am passed the jQuery object containing all of Gritter notifications.\n" + e); }, after_close: function(){ alert('I am called after everything has been closed.'); } }); return false; }); } /* ---------- Additional functions for data table ---------- */ $.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnPagingInfo = function ( oSettings ) { return { "iStart": oSettings._iDisplayStart, "iEnd": oSettings.fnDisplayEnd(), "iLength": oSettings._iDisplayLength, "iTotal": oSettings.fnRecordsTotal(), "iFilteredTotal": oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay(), "iPage": Math.ceil( oSettings._iDisplayStart / oSettings._iDisplayLength ), "iTotalPages": Math.ceil( oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay() / oSettings._iDisplayLength ) }; } $.extend( $.fn.dataTableExt.oPagination, { "bootstrap": { "fnInit": function( oSettings, nPaging, fnDraw ) { var oLang = oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate; var fnClickHandler = function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( oSettings.oApi._fnPageChange(oSettings, ) { fnDraw( oSettings ); } }; $(nPaging).addClass('pagination').append( '<ul>'+ '<li class="prev disabled"><a href="#">← '+oLang.sPrevious+'</a></li>'+ '<li class="next disabled"><a href="#">'+oLang.sNext+' → </a></li>'+ '</ul>' ); var els = $('a', nPaging); $(els[0]).bind( 'click.DT', { action: "previous" }, fnClickHandler ); $(els[1]).bind( 'click.DT', { action: "next" }, fnClickHandler ); }, "fnUpdate": function ( oSettings, fnDraw ) { var iListLength = 5; var oPaging = oSettings.oInstance.fnPagingInfo(); var an = oSettings.aanFeatures.p; var i, j, sClass, iStart, iEnd, iHalf=Math.floor(iListLength/2); if ( oPaging.iTotalPages < iListLength) { iStart = 1; iEnd = oPaging.iTotalPages; } else if ( oPaging.iPage <= iHalf ) { iStart = 1; iEnd = iListLength; } else if ( oPaging.iPage >= (oPaging.iTotalPages-iHalf) ) { iStart = oPaging.iTotalPages - iListLength + 1; iEnd = oPaging.iTotalPages; } else { iStart = oPaging.iPage - iHalf + 1; iEnd = iStart + iListLength - 1; } for ( i=0, iLen=an.length ; i<iLen ; i++ ) { // remove the middle elements $('li:gt(0)', an[i]).filter(':not(:last)').remove(); // add the new list items and their event handlers for ( j=iStart ; j<=iEnd ; j++ ) { sClass = (j==oPaging.iPage+1) ? 'class="active"' : ''; $('<li '+sClass+'><a href="#">'+j+'</a></li>') .insertBefore( $('li:last', an[i])[0] ) .bind('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); oSettings._iDisplayStart = (parseInt($('a', this).text(),10)-1) * oPaging.iLength; fnDraw( oSettings ); } ); } // add / remove disabled classes from the static elements if ( oPaging.iPage === 0 ) { $('li:first', an[i]).addClass('disabled'); } else { $('li:first', an[i]).removeClass('disabled'); } if ( oPaging.iPage === oPaging.iTotalPages-1 || oPaging.iTotalPages === 0 ) { $('li:last', an[i]).addClass('disabled'); } else { $('li:last', an[i]).removeClass('disabled'); } } } } }); /* ---------- Page width functions ---------- */ $(window).bind("resize", widthFunctions); function widthFunctions(e) { var winHeight = $(window).height(); var winWidth = $(window).width(); var contentHeight = $("#content").height(); if (winHeight) { $("#content").css("min-height",winHeight); } if (contentHeight) { $("#sidebar-left2").css("height",contentHeight); } if (winWidth < 980 && winWidth > 750) { if($("#sidebar-left").hasClass("span2")) { $("#sidebar-left").removeClass("span2"); $("#sidebar-left").addClass("span1"); } if($("#content").hasClass("span10")) { $("#content").removeClass("span10"); $("#content").addClass("span11"); } $("a").each(function(){ if($(this).hasClass("quick-button-small span1")) { $(this).removeClass("quick-button-small span1"); $(this).addClass("quick-button span2 changed"); } }); $(".circleStatsItem, .circleStatsItemBox").each(function() { var getOnTablet = $(this).parent().attr('onTablet'); var getOnDesktop = $(this).parent().attr('onDesktop'); if (getOnTablet) { $(this).parent().removeClass(getOnDesktop); $(this).parent().addClass(getOnTablet); } }); $(".box").each(function(){ var getOnTablet = $(this).attr('onTablet'); var getOnDesktop = $(this).attr('onDesktop'); if (getOnTablet) { $(this).removeClass(getOnDesktop); $(this).addClass(getOnTablet); } }); $(".widget").each(function(){ var getOnTablet = $(this).attr('onTablet'); var getOnDesktop = $(this).attr('onDesktop'); if (getOnTablet) { $(this).removeClass(getOnDesktop); $(this).addClass(getOnTablet); } }); $(".statbox").each(function(){ var getOnTablet = $(this).attr('onTablet'); var getOnDesktop = $(this).attr('onDesktop'); if (getOnTablet) { $(this).removeClass(getOnDesktop); $(this).addClass(getOnTablet); } }); } else { if($("#sidebar-left").hasClass("span1")) { $("#sidebar-left").removeClass("span1"); $("#sidebar-left").addClass("span2"); } if($("#content").hasClass("span11")) { $("#content").removeClass("span11"); $("#content").addClass("span11"); } $("a").each(function(){ if($(this).hasClass("quick-button span2 changed")) { $(this).removeClass("quick-button span2 changed"); $(this).addClass("quick-button-small span1"); } }); $(".circleStatsItem, .circleStatsItemBox").each(function() { var getOnTablet = $(this).parent().attr('onTablet'); var getOnDesktop = $(this).parent().attr('onDesktop'); if (getOnTablet) { $(this).parent().removeClass(getOnTablet); $(this).parent().addClass(getOnDesktop); } }); $(".box").each(function(){ var getOnTablet = $(this).attr('onTablet'); var getOnDesktop = $(this).attr('onDesktop'); if (getOnTablet) { $(this).removeClass(getOnTablet); $(this).addClass(getOnDesktop); } }); $(".widget").each(function(){ var getOnTablet = $(this).attr('onTablet'); var getOnDesktop = $(this).attr('onDesktop'); if (getOnTablet) { $(this).removeClass(getOnTablet); $(this).addClass(getOnDesktop); } }); $(".statbox").each(function(){ var getOnTablet = $(this).attr('onTablet'); var getOnDesktop = $(this).attr('onDesktop'); if (getOnTablet) { $(this).removeClass(getOnTablet); $(this).addClass(getOnDesktop); } }); } if($('.timeline')) { $('.timeslot').each(function(){ var timeslotHeight = $(this).find('.task').outerHeight(); $(this).css('height',timeslotHeight); }); } }